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Carefresh for small pets

Carefresh for small pets

Carefresh, one of the most important companies in the world, which manufactures hygiene beds. They offer a variety of products ideal for beds of small pets, such as rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, rats, mice, hamsters, gerbils, ferrets, and birds and reptiles.
Our Products:

      They offer a superior technology for odor control
      Absorb up to three times its weight in liquid
      Duran more than double wood chips
      Are safe for pets and their owners, aromatic oils or harmful chemicals or pollutants not included
      They provide a natural fit for small animals
      They are environmentally friendly and easy to clean.


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  • Published by on 07/07/2015

    I have been using carefresh for many years now after one of my hamsters died from mites that he got from sawdust.
    This product has kept all pets since happy and healthy and smelling fresh
    It seems expensive but it lasts a lot longer than other beddings, wouldnt ever go back to another product!

  • Published by caroline s. on 06/07/2015

    Expensive but so worth it! Been using it since last year in my Omlet hamster cage (like a piece of furniture). My hamster loves it to dig tunnels inside and sleep in it. I'm lucky that he uses a small plastic container changed with fresh sand daily as his toilet so I don't have to change this bedding very often (he even kicks his pooh away from his sleeping area for me to pick up). But any little accident beside his toilet is quickly absorbed and easy to remove. The cage is left odour free all the time and motivates your pet to stay fresh and clean. Would have scored 5 Stars if for the price including delivery, but otherwise don't look any further!!

  • Published by Gillian G. on 04/03/2015

    Lovely bedding my hamster snuggles in for a good sleep, far better than paper/wool etc bedding as he does not sweat nor does it smell and I love the colours it comes in... I will be recommending this product to other pet owners.

  • Published by Sarah A. on 17/10/2014

    Use this for my guinea pigs and baby rabbit litter trays - also in any cage corners which they seem to use also. Occasionally I've noticed the rabbit having a nibble but I know it will do no harm. The bag looks small but it does last as the product fluffs up. I also find that as it's so absorbent it reduces staining plastic cage floors much better if mixed with your usual substrate ( we use hemp ) in known toilet places.

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