Advance Hypoallergenic Canine

Advance Hypoallergenic canine Advance Veterinary Diets Hypoallergenic CanineIndications Elimination diet for food testsExocrine pancreatic insufficiencyDermatitis associated with food allergiesInflammatory bowel diseaseGastroenteritis associated wi ... See full description


  • 2,5 Kg 419kr 168kr/KG
  • 10 Kg 1.035kr 104kr/KG

Order 2 units, don't run out of it

  • x1 419kr 419kr/unit
  • x2 -8kr 830kr 411kr last unit
  • x3 -13kr 1.244kr 406kr last unit
  • x5 -21kr 2.074kr 398kr last unit
  • x1 1.035kr 1.035kr/unit
  • x2 -21kr 2.049kr 1.014kr last unit
  • x3 -31kr 3.074kr 1.004kr last unit
  • x5 -52kr 5.123kr 983kr last unit

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Ingredients Advance Hypoallergenic Canine

Ingredients: Purified vegetable starchhydrolyzed vegetable proteinhydrolyzed animal proteinsanimal fatcoconut oilcellulosemonocalcium phosphatepurified fermentable fiberpotassium chloridecolza oil and salt.
Source of protein: Hydrolyzed soya proteinhydrolyzed animal proteins.
Source of carbohydrates: Purified maize starch.

Features Advance Hypoallergenic Canine

  • Reference8410650152363
  • Weight10 KG, 2,5 KG
  • BrandAdvance
  • Physical ActivityAverage
  • Nutritional ConditionsHypoallergenic Products
  • AgeAdult, Senior
  • Dog SizeSmall, Medium, Maxi, Giant
  • Special CaresHair and Skin
  • Quantity2,5 Kg, 10 Kg
  • Type of FoodFeed
  • Made inSpain
  • Product RangeAdvance Veterinary Diets Dog
  • ManufacturerAdvance,ESP 08300105AFFINITY PETCARE S.A. Plaça Europa, 54-56, 08902 Hospitalet de Llobregat (Spain)

Description Advance Hypoallergenic Canine

Indikationer • Elimination diet för mat tester. • Exocrine pankreasinsufficiens. • Dermatit samband med födoämnesallergier. • Inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom. • Gastroenterit samband med födoämnesallergier. • protein-förlora enteropati. • lymphangiectasia. • Malabsorption. • Hyperlipidemia.FeaturesHipoallergenicBioflavonoidsPresentations2, 5 y 10 kg bags.composition: Mais stärkelse, hydrolyserat sojaprotein, kokosnötolja, cellulosa, rapsolja, monokalciumfosfat, kalciumkarbonat, kaliumklorid, mais olja, salt, citronsyra extrakt rika på bioflavononids.Protein källa: Hydrolyserat sojaprotein. kolhydratkälla: mais starch.analytical beståndsdelar: Protein 22,0%, Fetthalt 9,5%, Växttråd 3,0%, oorganisk materia 6,0%, kalcium 1,1%, fosfor 0,8%, Fukt 9,0%, essentiella fettsyror 2,4% .additives / kg. Näringstillsatser: Vitamin A 27000 IE, vitamin D3 1800 IE, Vitamin E 315 mg, Järn sulfat, monohydrat 350 mg (Fe: 115 mg), kaliumjodid 2,6 mg (I: 2,0 mg), kopparsulfatpentahydrat 46 mg (Cu 12 mg ); manganosulfat monohydrat 169 mg (Mn: 55 mg), zinksulfat monohydrat 549 mg (Zn: 200 mg), natriumselenit 0,33 mg (Se: 0,15 mg). Med antioxidanter.

Customer Reviews Advance Hypoallergenic Canine

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Sienta muy bien


Mi perro tiene IBD y he probado otros piensos que pensaba que le iban a ir bien pero nada, tuvimos que darle este.


Excelente estado y muy buen alimento para mi perrita y es ideal para las mascotas con alegras muy recomendado

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